The ICARUS research group is formed by researchers of the Technical University of Catalonia - Barcelona Tech (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC) and is a member of the UPC's Research Center for the Aeronautics and Space (Centre de Recèrca per l'Aeronàutica i l'Espai, CRAE).
The group is mainly formed by faculty of the Computer Architecture Department and the Telecommunication and Aeropace School of Castelldefels. The main teaching and research activities are performed at the Mediterranead Technology Park located in Castelldefels (Barcelona), Catalonia - Spain. Besides these permanent faculty, some researchers, PhD and Ms. students are also members of the group with part to full time dedications.
The ICARUS group initiated its initial activities in 2005 and was formally recognised as a emerging research group by the Catalan government (Generalitat de Catalunya) in 2009 (AGAUR grant SGR-1012).
The ICARUS group is multidisciplinary and the background of its members includes computer scientists, aeronautic engineers and telecommunications engineers, having all of them previous research experience in their respective fields.
In this web page you can learn about our research projects, teaching activities and ICARUS members and collaborators. We try to maintain our publications list as updated as possible, publish the most important events related with our activity and highlight special achievements by using the news feed of this page.