ISIS+: ICARUS UAS-ATM Simulation Integrated Scenario
ISIS+ is a simulator to evaluate the automated operations of UAS in non-segregated airspace and to test new software components of the UAS with other avionics components. The ISIS+ simulator provides a realistic simulation environment in which the UAS software components can be developed under real air traffic scenarios while taking into account all the UAS's peculiarities. The UAS is integrated with eDEP, an air traffic simulation environment, in order to explore the UAS behavior, conflicting traffic and air traffic controllers' requests with the airspace actors.

ISIS+ general presentation used at the AUVSI 2013 conference.
Overview of the functional capacity of the real-time ISIS simulation tool, combining both detailed UAS operations and an ATM environment.
Global hawk simulated separation maneuvers. Green trace shows nominal flight plan. Red trace shows a more or less classical separation maneuver just being completed. A second maneuver is just requested. This maneuver sends back the UAS to a hold and later on reinserts the vehicle to its nominal trajectory. Views are generated by the ISIS simulation tool and wide perspectives from the X-plane simulator.
X-plane view: Ikhana simulated UAS leaves its current scanning pattern due to a contingency. It starts a descend directed to the pre-programmed landing site. Ground collision almost occurs, which highlights the necessity to manage ground separation. Initial trajectory is oscilating due to a simulation bug.
Once close to the airfield the UAS follows a number of pre-planned maneuvers (basically chases some fixes a a hold operation), until heads directly to the landing site. The UAS crash lands because the final "landing" leg is still not available.
Ikhana performing simulated approach/departure operations. Simulations performed with X-plane simulator and the ISIS architecture.