
Dr. Luis Delgado

Personal homepage - Luis Delgado


Dr. Luis Delgado

Assistant Professor
Escola Politècnica Superior de Castelldefels (EPSC)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Office C4-120
Esteve Terradas, 5
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
Catalonia - Spain
Tel: +34 93 413 41 26 Fax: +34 93 413 70 07
e-mail: luis.delgado [at]
Other: linkedin

Short Bio
I am Aeronautical engineer from the National School for Civil Aviation (École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, ENAC) located in Toulouse (France). I also hold a degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Barcelona School of Informatics (Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona, FIB) which belongs to the Technical  University of Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC).  I obtained my PhD in Aerospace Science and Technology from the UPC in 2013. The PhD was advised by Dr. Xavier Prats, and focus on the use of speed variations during the cruise to deal with ATFM delays. A copy of the PhD dissertation is available here.

I have been working at the UPC since 2007 and currently, I am an assistant professor at the School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering of Castelldefels (Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecommunicació i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels, EETAC).

I hold a French and an American private pilot license (PPL) and I have flown in France, Spain (1 and 2) and the US.

Research lines

  • Air Traffic Flow Management (Ground Delay Program)
  • Aircraft performance
  • Integration of UAS in non-segregated airspace


Academic Background

  • PhD in Aerospace Science and Technology, Technical Unversity of Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC), Spain, April 2013
  • Aeronautical Engineer, ENAC (École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile / National School for Civil Aviation), France, July 2007
  • Computer Science Engineering, FIB (Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona / Barcelona School of Informatics), form the Technical Unversity of Catalonia (Univrsitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC), Spain, July 2007
  • Master Research in Software Safety and High Performance Systems (master SLCP), ENAC and ENSEEIHT (École Nationale Superieure d'Électrotechnique, d'Électronique, d'Informatique, d'Hydraulique et des Télécommunications / National School for Electronics, Computer Science, Hydraulic and Telecommunications), France, July 2007
  • European Master in Language and Speech, Master shared by fourteen universities between them the Technical University of Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC), Spain, July 2007

PhD dissertation

Visiting periods and internships

Taula resgistres
Start date Duration Position Institution Location Subject
Feb 2011 8 months Visiting researcher Aviation System Division (ASD) at NASA Ames research center, Moffet Field Moffet Field, CA (USA) Research on Air Traffic Management and Ground Delay Programs. Hosted by Dr. Banavar Sridhar
Jul 2010 1 month Summer course student Community of Ariane Cities (CVA) Bordeaux (France) Rocket propulsion systems
Jan 2007 7 month Undergraduate internship Laboratorie d'Analyse et Architectures des Systemes (LAAS) Toulouse (France) Final degree project: Planning of movement for virutal humman models to develop cooperative tasks. (Planification de mouvements pour tâches coopératives entre plusieurs mannequins virtuels). Advisor: Dr. Jean-Paul Laumond and Dr. Michel Taïx
May 2005 2 month Undergraduate internship Computation Laboratory of the Faculty of Computer Sciences of Barcelona (inLab-FIB) Barcelona Responsible of the development of the specification
Feb 2004 7 months Undergraduate internship Computation Laboratory of the Faculty of Computer Sciences of Barcelona (inLab-FIB) Barcelona Development of specification for management software


Current courses (Spring semester 2013)

Past taught courses

Taula resgistres
Undergraduate Courses School Semester-Years (Total Teaching Hours)
Air transport management and operational research EETAC S-2011/12, F-2012/13
Air transportation infrastructures EETAC F-2011/12, F-2012/13
Air transport economy EETAC B-2011/12, F-2012/13
Avionics EETAC F-2010/11, S-2011/12
Air transport EETAC B-2007/8, B-2008/9, B-2010/11

Coordination of undergraduate courses

Taula resgistres
Course School Semester-Years
Air transport management and operational research
EETAC S-2011/12, B-2012/13
Air transport
EETAC B-2007/8, B-2008/9, B-2010/11

NOTE - S: Spring, F: Fall, B: Both;

Awards and fellowships

Taula registres
Date Concept Awarded by: Other Information
Jan 2011 Fellowship for a research visiting period in a foreign university Agency for Administration of University and Research Grants. Catalan Government Visiting NASA Ames, Moffet field (CA)
Jul 2003 Fellowship to assist at the CVA Summer Course in Bordeaux (France) Community of Ariane Cities (CVA) Rocket propulsion systems