
CORUS Exploratory workshop

The CORUS project has hold his Exploratory workshop at the EETAC school of the UPC, hosted by the ICARUS research group

Apr 13, 2016

The ICARUS project has been selected as one of the best WP-E Long Term and Innovative Research projects of SESAR to give a formal presentation in the SESAR 1 close-out event. The presentation will take place next June 14th in Amsterdam and will sit alongside the presentation of the European Commissioner about the importance of exploratory research in Air Traffic management (ATM), and the concluding remarks given by the SESAR JU Chief of ATM, David Bowen.

Feb 22, 2018

Hosted by the ICARUS research group, the CORUS project has hold its Exploratory Workshop at the EETAC school of the UPC university.

Jun 15, 2010

Eduard Santamaria i Barnadas successfully defended his PhD thesis last June 15th 2010.